Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Imperialism in 1900


How did Britain maintain such a large empire?
How was Belgium able to control a territory in Africa that was landlocked?
Similarly, how were the Germans able to control such sparse territories?
Also, no one wants Ethiopia.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lin Zexu and Queen Victoria

Lin Zexu expresses his disdain to opium through his descriptions. He says opium has a repugnant odor when processed in factories. He also cites opium usage and production as deeds that will keep people from heaven. Lin Zexu believes opium is leading to China's downfall. They institute a death penalty through beheading or hanging. This isn't done to punish the user, but it's done moreso to incite fear in those who use opium. Lin Zexu employs fear to stop the spread of opium usage and cut it down to nothing.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Industrial Revolution

Changes that will occur

  • increased technology leaves less room for human labor
  • Ability to move further away for work allows for the purchase of goods found far from home
  • China's working class loses its status because their hard work is being replaced by technology
  • Increased movement allows for cultural integration
  • families are less unified because anyone can work
  • the concept of work has changed from incredibly demanding tasks to simple movements
  • focus on technology because small amount of farmers take care of all the demand for food
  • Animistic religions lose values because humans now can control all the necessities and things like watering crops, efficient production of food, etc.
  • Factories are huge sources of wealth, so the value of land is not because of agriculture, but because of the potential to build a factory

The discussion of liberals, conservatives, radicals, and reactionaries helps when viewing the Industrial Revolution. People are resistant to change no matter what the circumstance entails. And because the Industrial Revolution is huge, we see groups like the Luddites arise who actively oppose change. The Industrial Revolution puts new groups at a disadvantage (skilled artisans) and helps those who lack skill.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

6 Killer Apps

Ferguson knew what he was talking about. He took rather complex ideas and made it presentable for common viewers, yet supported his ideas with examples that weren't simple, but still effective. I agree with Ferguson and how there are 6 killer apps that are involved in the divergence. However, there could be more and his arrogance towards that idea is off putting. It also seems like everything ties back to work ethic. Work ethic is important towards competition, modern medicine, and more. It also looks to be the prime reason as to why the eastern world is rising above the west.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fabian Fucan Page 748

Fucan uses religious attacks against Christianity. He calls Christianity a waste of twenty years of his life, and its teachings had "little truth". For its cultural aspect, Fucan insults their culture by calling them barbarians whose goal is to spread their faith of lies and take down the more sophisticated culture of Japan. Fucan also insults their valuing of faith over life, saying that their soldiers value their own lives as less than trash. Christianity's spread into the New World and into Asia is also criticized, especially because it is their goal to move their faith of lies to every corner of the world.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Page 710 Olaudah Equiano

Slaves ships took a few steps to ensure maximum profits: physical beatings, psychological punishment, and restraining movement of the Africans. This stopped the rebellion and suicide of slaves, which in turn kept them alive to be sold across the Atlantic Ocean.
Physical beatings includes the whipping of Africans who attempted suicide by jumping out of the ship. Also, Equiano was beaten and force-fed food after refusing to accept their food. These physical beatings tie into the psychological punishments. The Africans on board the ship had to decide between remaining on the ship with filthy conditions, knowing that their future was empty of any hope. Or they could have attempted suicide and end their torture, and if they failed, then they would be tortutered hourly before they return to the same hopeless situation they were in before. The ships also restrained the movement of Africans on board. There was netting of some sort that prevented them from jumping overboard. In addition to that, many were chained to the ship, and the ones who weren't were placed under the supposedly careful watch of some crewmembers.