Map of Africa
The document based question is really different, and to me, not in a good way. There's so much more to write for the document based question, each document requiring 4 sentences with specific targets. I think with enough practice, the requirements for each document will become ingrained, making the DBQ relatively easy because there's no need for outside knowledge regarding these questions. Grouping the documents was a bit challenging for me as well. For me, it's something that needs to click, and that could take anywhere from a minute to 15 minutes. I think the organization will also come with practice too. Time management is also a key point in this essay compared to the other two essay types. It's different, but not too challenging except for the writing cramps.
Yep, hand cramps are the biggest risk here...It isn't a cognitively hard essay to compose, but the management of time is a tough thing to work with. Overall, you did well with the essay; your documents were connected to the thesis well, your groupings were clear, you talked about the point of view of the authors clearly and you mentioned the additional document. Pretty good stuff for the first time out!